Lambaian helang di langkawi

hurm, on 26 - 28 Feb...our class have a nice trip to Langkawi. wink~ haha....actually this is my second journey to Langkawi. just feel suam2 kuku utk ke sana....what is popular at Langkawi?? hurrmmm, sekali pikir tu ja lah "coklat" huhu....itupun sbb murah huhuhu....

the second trip to langkawi is better than the previous one. huhu...coz i can manage my budget well. besides, half of the budget were supported by faculty hahaha....the motel that we rent also very comfortable and quite nice. erk~ bukan gambar yg tepi ni eh,hahaha tapi yg bawah tu warna kuning hehehe tgk je kecik tu, tapi dalam dia boleh tahan la complete....ok la kan for RM20/night....

cuaca di sana panas terik, perubahan cuaca yg boleh dikatakan agak melampau. huhu... mmg selain beli coklat menu utama lain ialah air mineral. 

lawatan ni under subject Botany & Ethnobotany....agak mencabar gak la trip nih huhuhu....siap ade jungle tracking lagi....huhuhu.... semuanya rasa trtekan aje pd mulanya....  kena collect sample hehehe, buat survey pasai poisonous plant, and make presentation....but after all  it is fun! yup interesting trip....!! 

the relationship among students are also become close to each others. hurrmmm, rupanya, they are all sempoi n best to be friend with.... before this semuanya susah nk berckp dlm kelas.....but the trip make them communicate to each others, time ni la nak mengenal hati budi masing2 huhuhu.....jgn terlebih sudah~ hahaha.... OooPpssS!!!..... 

tempat lain yg dilawati seperti:
1) taman herba ubatan tradisional, lubuk semilang 
2) hutan lipur lubok semilang
3) underwater world

p/s: huhuhu ambik gambar kat replika helang x hingat yer huhuhu.....=)


Shamsul Amri said...

Best2...... Ruginyer xambik subjek etnobotani....